Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tropical Storm Songda rapidly gaining more strength as it moves toward the Philippine Sea

Tropical Storm SONGDA (Pre-Chedeng/04W)
           as of 1 P.M PST 05/22/2011
  • 9.9N 136.8E
  • 148.48 km. West-Northwest of Yap
  • barely moving WNW @ 09 kph
  • heading towards the Philippine Sea
  • maximum sustained winds: 83 kph
  • gustiness winds: 102 kph
  • minimum sea level pressure: 994 mb
  • maximum significant wave height: 15 feet
Tropical Storm Songda is expected to gather more strength as it enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility later this evening or early Monday morning.  It is forecast to intensify under favorable conditions while on the Philippine Sea maintaining it's current WNW-ward track heading the Eastern coast of Eastern Luzon on Thursday afternoon.

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